Bold California Cabernet Sauvignon

“Wine is sunlight held together by water…” Galileo Gallilei
Most areas in the U.S. are starting to heat up with above average temperatures and the arrival of spring on March 20th. Throwing a steak on the grill after work or on the weekend is a favorite of mine and pairing it with a bold California Cabernet Sauvignon makes the meal that much better.
Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most widely produced varietals in the world. From the Bordeaux regions of France to the Central Valley of California, wine lovers appreciate the bold, fruity flavor of this varietal. Today, I will highlight Smith & Hook’s Cabernet Sauvignon ( ).
Cabernet Sauvignons produced in California reflect a wide variation of flavor and intensity in the fruits presented to the drinker. Smith & Hook’s Cabernet Sauvignon is produced in the Central Valley region. This area is most commonly associated with the beautiful ocean-side town of Monterey, CA.
Smith & Hook uses grapes from 4 of it’s vineyards – Arroyo Seco, San Antonio, Hames Valley and Paso Robles – to create a layered affect of deep color along with flavors of plum, blackberry, cherry and spices. The tannins in this cabernet are present yet, do not leave an overpowering presence on your tongue.
PositiveVines ‘HelpfulTip: The Cabernet Sauvignon varietal came into existence through the accidental breeding of the red Cabernet Franc grape plant with a white Sauvignon Blanc grape plant.
Smith & Hook’s Cabernet Sauvignon is one that I purchase in bulk when there is a sale. The normal list price is approximately $28 and Market Street in the DFW area currently has it on sale for $16 a bottle. Total Wine and many other discount beer and wine distributors carry it for under $20 a bottle.
The next time that you want a solid red wine to enjoy with a great steak or alone, try Smith & Hook’s Cabernet Sauvignon.